Instructional Design, Training, and User Guides Case Studies
• Creating role-based change management training for pharmaceutical device manufacturer
• Developing and delivering customized Microsoft Word® training for pharmaceutical manufacturer
• Creating user instructions for employment web site for high-tech manufacturer
• Developing documentation for a web-based transaction-processing system for financial services provider
• Developing and delivering personalized Microsoft Office® Training for real estate agents
• Developing a product installation guide from illustrations for specialty window manufacturer

Creating Role-Based Change Management Training for Pharmaceutical Device Manufacturer

Problem: The Change Management process was complex and difficult to understand and execute. Online training was developed but proved to be overwhelming and inadequate.

Solution: Designed and developed instructor-led, classroom training to be facilitated by subject matter experts at each plant location. Facilitator guides were fully scripted, so personnel with no experience delivering training could serve as facilitators. Training curricula were role-based and task-oriented, so learners were presented only with information required for the tasks they needed to perform. Training modules included numerous hands-on exercises derived from common change management scenarios, so learners were able to practice performing change management tasks in the context of actual situations they encountered in the workplace.

Developing and Delivering Customized Microsoft Word® Training for Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

Problem: Staff members were struggling to author, edit, and format documents after an upgrade from MS Word 2000 to Word 2007. Existing “off-the-shelf” training did not address the unique requirements and tasks of this very specialized documentation environment.

Solution: Document authoring, editing, and formatting tasks were identified, analyzed, and prioritized. Instructor-led, customized training was developed to address the most commonly performed and time-critical documentation tasks. The instructional strategy was to translate or map staffers’ existing knowledge and skills using Word 2000 into the Word 2007 environment.

Training was delivered to small groups of 5–6 learners. Sessions were structured to allow plenty of time for hands-on practice, one-on-one interaction with the instructor, and learner questions.

Creating User Instructions for Employment Web Site for High-Tech Manufacturer

Problem: HR purchased and implemented a new, web-based application for identifying job opportunities and applying for positions. The employment web site proved to be confusing and difficult to use by potential candidates.

Solution: Developed task-based instructions for using the employment web site to identify job opportunities and apply for open positions. Deployed the instructions as pdf files accessible through a link on the web site.

Developing Documentation for a Web-Based Transaction-Processing System for Financial Services Provider

Problem: Technical documentation for a transaction-processing system was incomplete and out of date, and no documentation existed for merchants and other end users of the system.

Solution: Began an ongoing project to develop a full set of documentation for both technical and end-user audiences. Documentation includes step-by-step user guides for merchants as well as in-depth technical information for administrators and programmers.

Developing and Delivering Personalized Microsoft Office® Training for Real Estate Agents

Problem: Client needed to self-produce sales and marketing collateral and web sites using Microsoft Office® applications but lacked the skills to do so.

Solution: Authoring, editing, and formatting tasks were identified, analyzed, and prioritized. Personalized, hands-on training was developed to address the specific tasks and MS Office applications required to produce the desired materials. Training was delivered using the client’s hardware and software in a one-on-one, live setting.

Developing a Product Installation Guide from Illustrations for Specialty Window Manufacturer

Problem: European manufacturer seeking to introduce product line in North America needed a product installation, use, and safety guide with step-by-step, written instructions. Their current guide consisted entirely of illustrations, which did not adequately address the complexity and safety issues associated with product installation and use.

Solution: Developed a detailed guide for safely installing and using the product, working solely from illustrations and phone conversations with technical staff in Europe.

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